This site contains proposed contributions to a Special Issue of the Journal COMPLEXITY in which researchers across the sciences are invited to reflect on the role of networks and network dynamics in their primary research areas. Typical contributions to the journal are in the range of 3-6 printed pages, and fall into the categories of general articles (special issue articles, surveys, commentaries, and essays) that should be concise and of interest to a broad range of educated readers consisting of scientists, engineers, and students. Special issues typically have 5-10 contributions. The possibility of two issues is envisioned, the present one focusing on substantive research findings, and the second on modeling and simulation.

Introduction, Douglas R. White
The Large-Scale Structure of Metabolic Networks: A Glimpse into Life's Origins? of life, Andreas Wagner
Selection, Tinkering and Emergence in Complex Networks, Ricard V. Solé, Ramon Ferrer Cancho, Jose M. Montoya, and Serge Valverde
Networks in Molecular Evolution, Peter F. Stadler and Peter Schuster
The Organization of Work in Social Insect Colonies, Deborah Gordon
Complexity Theory and Models for Social Networks, John Skvoretz
Network Analysis, Complexity, and Brain Function, Olaf Sporns
Networks and History Peter Bearman, Robert Faris and James Moody
The Navigability of Strong Ties: Small Worlds, Tie Strength and Network Topology, Douglas White and Michael Houseman
Civilizations as Networks: Trade, War, Diplomacy and Command-Control, David Wilkinson
How Businesses Mobilize Production Through Markets: Parametric Modeling of Path-dependent Outcomes in Network Flows, Harrison C. White

Early candidates for a subsequent issue:

Luc Steels - How Network Interaction Constitutes Language Learning in Wittgensteinian Robot Communities
Lee Worden - The Evolution of Cooperation in Ecological Communities
Harrison C. White - Networks into Markets: Parametric Modeling of Path Outcomes - for On-line use only: Markets from Networks: a précis of the book

last modified 1 October 2002 by SRK