John Mahoney

tex tips!

Stop bouncing!

I find it quite frustrating when, after scrolling to the bottom of the page, the editor bounces back, often obscuring a line or two of text.

Here is how to turn that off.

For Mac OS apps:

defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -int 0

to reverse this;

defaults delete -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding

For TexShop:

defaults write TeXShop SourceScrollElasticity NO

Do this too:

defaults write TeXShop FixLineNumberScroll NO

I was unable to extend this to the pdf viewer attached to TexShop. Seems this is no longer accessible in Mavericks. For older systems apparently you can do this..

someone recommended MagicPrefs However this appears to not work for the Macbook trackpad

Disable horizontal scrolling:

defaults write MouseHorizontalScroll -bool NO

Re-enable horizontal scrolling:

defaults write MouseHorizontalScroll -bool YES

I found information here:
