SFI houses a great many Sun workstations, with a communal
culture for their use during meetings. There are also numerous Macs on
the premises. A Wintel machine is even rumored to be sequestered in a
closet somewhere. Regardless, the Institute is very supportive in
addressing the entire gamut of technological needs.
SFI has video projectors that are compatible with most
laptop and desktop video output signals.
In order to facilitate the setup of computer and audio-visual equipment,
please send Cosma Shalizi
a detailed description of your needs by 15 January 2002.
The SFI contacts for technical support are: Brent Jones and Lolly Brown Computer System Managers
Phone: 505-984-8800 x255(Brent) x260(Lolly)
FAX: 505-982-0565
Email: todo@santafe.edu