Jim Crutchfield | Computational Mechanics | Dynamics of Learning | Evolving Cellular Automata | Evolutionary Dynamics



Research Themes


Research Communications


Tools and Resources

Learning in Autonomous Robot Collectives


Collective Cognition: Mathematical Foundations of Distributed Intelligence Brief description: The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on the mathematical foundations of collective cognition, and to map out a research agenda for a science of distributed intelligence.
Administrative information: Organized by James P. Crutchfield, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, Kagan Tumer and David H. Wolpert. Held at the Santa Fe Institute, 22-26 January 2002.

Pattern Discovery
Brief description: Interest in network dynamical systems has grown rapidly in recent years. The goal of this conference is to survey and extend the state of the art in the statistical inferrence of network structure from observational data about the behavior of nodes in the network, with a particular emphasis on the application of new techniques for inferring causal architecture from data. All forms of networks, from abstract dynamical systems to biochemical regulatory networks to telecommunications systems and social networks are suitable for consideration.
Administrative information: Organized by James P. Crutchfield. Jointly sponsored by the U.C. Davis Center for Computational Science and Engineering and the Santa Fe Institute, dates TBD.