Project Talks for Natural Computation and Self-Organization
(Physics 256B, Spring 2016)

20-minute presentations!

Lunch provided.

31 May: 12:10-1:40 PM, 185 Physics.

  1. Kelly Finn: Monkey Behavior as Information
  2. Alex Jurgens: Information in Written English
  3. Xincheng Lei: Information in Ising and Potts Models
  4. Katrina Brock: Predictability and Patterns of Movement in Baboons

2 June: 12:10-1:40 PM, 185 Physics.

  1. Michael Maddock: How an Agent Models and Controls its Environment
  2. Josh Parker: Dynamics of Segregation in the Schelling Model
  3. Anastasiya Salova: Information in Music
  4. Ariadna Venegas-Li: Quantum Complexity and Entanglement

Project not complete? That's expected. Focus your presentation on introducing the subject area. We are a diverse group. So, teach us a bit about your field, your interests, and your project. You'll have another week and a half to finish it up.

The preferred format, use as a guide, is described here.