• PhD Physics and Chemistry, University of California Merced, May 2011
• B.A. Physics and Math, University of California Berkeley, Spring 2002
•October 2014 - June 2017 - educational research and development of Quantitative Biology major with Mark Goldman at University of California Davis
•August 2012 - present - research in nonlinear dynamics and information theory with James P. Crutchfield at University of California Davis
•June 2005 - July 2012 - research in nonlinear dynamics applied to atomic physics with Kevin A. Mitchell (University of California Merced) and F. Barry Dunning (Rice University)
•Spring semester 2010 - research in improving the teaching techniques in higher education with focus on first generation students through Center for Research on Teaching Excellence at UC Merced
•May 2004 - June 2005 - research in experimental plasma physics (confinement of antihydrogen using magnetic fields) in professor Joel Fajans’ lab at University of California Berkeley
1.K.Burke and K.A. Mitchell, “A surface of Section for Hydrogen in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields”, Mathematics 2018, 6(10)
2.R. James, K. Burke, and J.P. Crutchfield, “Chaos Forgets and Remembers: Measuring Information Creation, Destruction, and Storage”, Physics Letters A 378, 2124 (2014)
3.K. Burke, K.A. Mitchell, S. Ye and F.B.Dunning, “Chaotic Ionization of a Stationary Electron State via a Phase Space Turnstile”, PRA 88, 013408 (2013)
4.K. Burke, K.A. Mitchell, S. Ye, B.Wyker, and F.B.Dunning, “Demonstration of Turnstiles as a Chaotic Ionization Mechanism in Rydberg Atoms”, PRL 107, 113002 (2011)
5.K. Burke, “Developing Critical Thinking Skills in an Introductory Calculus Based Physics Class with the Aid of Peer Review”,, (2010)
6.K. Burke and K. A. Mitchell, “Chaotic ionization of a Rydberg atom subjected to alternating kicks: Role of phase-space turnstiles”, PRA 80, 033416 (2009)
7.J. Fajans, W. Bertsche, K. Burke, A. Deutsch, S.F. Chapman, K. Gomberoff, D.P. Van der Werf and J.S. Wurtele, “Simple loss scaling laws for quadrupoles and higher-order multipoles used in antihydrogen traps”, Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VI: Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, edited by M. Dresen, U. Uggerhoj, and H. Knudsen (American Institute of Physics, New York 2006) AIP 862, 176
8.J. Fajans, W. Bertsche, K. Burke, S. F. Chapman, and D.P. Van der Werf , “Effects of Extreme Magnetic Quadrupole Fields on Penning Traps and the Consequences for Antihydrogen Trapping”, PRL 95, 155001(2005)
•In Preparation:
1.R. James, K. Burke, and J.P. Crutchfield, “All Generating Partitions Are not Created the Same”
2.K. Burke, “The Noisy Bar Problem”
3.K. Burke, K.A. Mitchell, S. Ye and F.B.Dunning, “Chaos-Induced Energy Hopping”
4.K. Burke and K.A. Mitchell, “Explaining the Chaotic Ionization for low n Rydberg Atoms Exposed to External Electric Field Pulses”
•Transforming STEM Teaching Faculty Learning Program 2019
•University of California Davis Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship 2012 - 2014
•University of California President’s Dissertation Year Fellowship 2010-2011
•University of California Merced Graduate Research Council Summer Fellowship 2010
•University of California Merced Center for Research on Teaching Excellence - Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education Guidebook Project Fellow Spring 2010
•University of California Merced’s Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, May 2010
•University of California Merced’s Outstanding Graduate Student in Physics and Chemistry Award, May 2010
•Physics Student Service Award (University of California Berkeley) for 2001-02 in recognition for contributions over the years to the Department through the Society of Physics Students
• Talks:
•Information Engines at the Frontiers of Nanoscale Thermodynamics, Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, CO June 2016
•Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory Seminar, February 2016
•Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics in the Information Age, Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, CO July 2015
•University of Colorado Boulder Complex Systems/Dynamics Seminar , July 2015 - Invited
•SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird UT 2015 - Contributed
•University of Maryland College Park Applied Dynamics Seminar, October 2014 - Invited
•Shortcuts to Adiabaticity, Optimal Quantum Control, and Thermodynamics Conference, Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, CO 2014 - Invited
•UC Davis PDE and Applied Math Seminar, May 2014 - Invited
•SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT 2013 - Contributed
•Dynamics Days Denver 2013 - Contributed
•UC Davis Physics Department Condensed Matter Seminar, October 2012 - Invited
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2012 Long Beach, CA - Contributed
•American Physical Society March Meeting 2012 Boston, Ma - Contributed
•Special Math department seminar, February 2012 San Jose State University - Invited
•Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics - Hydrodynamics, Boulder, CO July 2011
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2011 Atlanta, GA - Contributed
•SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT 2011 - Contributed
•Complexity Sciences Center seminar, April 2011, UC Davis - Invited
•Dynamics seminar, March 2011, physics department UC Berkeley - Invited
•Physics Group Talk February 2011, University of California Merced
•American Physical Society Regional Meeting 2010, Caltech, Pasadena, CA - Contributed
•University of California Merced Teaching Matters Series, October 2010 - Invited
•Boston University Dynamical Systems Seminar, March 2010 - Invited
•SAMPLe (Some Applied Math for People to Learn) Seminar University of California Merced, October 2009 - Invited
•SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT 2009 - Contributed
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2009 UVA - Contributed
•Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity July 2008 Porto, Portugal - Invited
•American Physical Society Regional meeting 2007, LBL, Berkeley, CA - Contributed
• Posters:
•Dynamics Days Atlanta, GA 2014
•Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics - Hydrodynamics, Boulder, CO July 2011
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2011 Atlanta, GA
•Dynamics Days Chapel Hill, NC 2011
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2010 Houston, TX
•American Physical Society March Meeting 2010 Portland, OR
•SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT 2009
•Dynamics Days San Diego, CA 2009
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2008 Pen State
•Dynamics Days Boston, MA 2007
•Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Conference 2007 Calgary, Canada
•Participated in every UC Merced Research Week Poster Session (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
• Summer Schools Attended:
•Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics - Hydrodynamics, Boulder, CO July 2011
•Summer School on Hamiltonian Systems at the NATO institute in Montreal, Canada, June 2007
•Professional Organizations:
•SIAM News editor - May 2015 - present
•DSWeb senior editor July 2014 - present
•SIAM student panel May 2011
•Co-organizer Information Engines at the Frontiers of Nanoscale Thermodynamics, Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, CO June 2016
•Organizer of Dynamics of Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) Minisymposium - SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird UT 2015
•Co-organizer of the Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics in the Information Age workshop at Telluride Science Research Center July 13th 2015 - July 17th 2015
•Organizer of the Information Engines Minisymposium - SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago IL 2014
•Co-organized Minisymposium on The Dynamics and Analysis of Collective Motion and Swarming - SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird UT 2013
•Session Chair SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT 2011
•Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium 2014 University of California Davis Judge
•Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium 2013 University of California Davis Judge
•Organizing meetings and mentoring women in the Physics Department at University of California Davis with the intent of increasing the number of undergraduate and graduate women in the department
•University of California Merced Women in Science and Engineering VP and founding member (2010-2011)
•Participated in Science of Tomorrow Educational Partnership, an educational outreach program created and organized by University of California Merced Student Association to enhance education of the sciences to local youth, Spring 2010
•Mentored inner city middle school students from Oakland, CA (2002)
•University of California Berkeley Society of Physics Students VP (2001-2002)
•Organized and presented How to Give an Effective Scientific Presentation Workshop, University of California Merced January 2011
•Author of “Passing the Quals” - a guide for successfully passing the qualifying exam for PhD students in Physics, Chemistry and Applied Math graduate groups at University of California Merced
•Participated in teaching training for incoming graduate students in Math and Physics at University of California Merced 2009 and 2010
•Math 24 Series (Sophomore level year-long math for quantitative biology course) Curriculum Committee - September 2015 - present
•Quantitative Biology Major Development Committee, November 2014 - present
•Quantitative Biology Curriculum Committee, January 2015 - present
•Graduate Student Representative on University of California Merced Health Care Advisory Committee, August 2006-May 2008
•At University of California Davis as a lecturer:
•Math 21A, 21B, 21D
•Math 17A, 17B, 17C
•Math 22B
•Math 27B
•At Boston University as a lecturer:
•Math 118 (college algebra and trigonometry): Fall 2011, Spring 2012
•Math 121 (calculus for the life and social sciences): Fall 2011
•Math 225 (multivariate calculus): Spring 2012
•At University of California Merced as a teaching assistant:
•Physics 8 (calculus based introductory mechanics): Fall 2009
•Physics 9 (calculus based introductory electricity and magnetism): Spring 2006, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
•Math 23 (multivariable calculus): Spring 2008
•Integrated Calculus and Physics (double unit course including introductory calculus and introductory mechanics): Fall 2005
•American Physical Society (APS)
•Society for Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM)