John Mahoney

pelican tips

Some notes for me on how to use pelican

Basic workflow

  • Pages are for "static" stuff.
  • Articles are for "blog" posts.
  • Edit / add one of these and use command "fab build; fab publish". This builds the site in the output/ directory, and then rsync's with the server.


How to make thumbnails for my posters.

Make a directory to put the thumbnails in mkdir thumb Convert all pdfs (my posters are always pdf) into gif. mogrify -format gif -path thumbs -thumbnail 1600x1600 *.pdf

Hidden stuff

To hide a page, use "status:hidden". To hide an article (blog), use "status:draft"


Here is some code "inline"

a = [1,2,3]
x = np.array([3,4,5])

Here is another way to include code where it is downloadable - better for longer files.

[lang:python] [sample] download

# This demonstrates how to plot some lines in matplotlib

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = np.sin(x) * np.cos(2.3*x)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
ax = fig.gca()
ax.plot(x, y, '.r-')


Note: no space between some text


Images go in the images/ directory. surprise. For new content directories, make sure it is included in 'STATIC_PATHS'.

Here is a link to an image. a qubit

This is an inline image with !-mark another qubit

This is the image sized with liquid-tags. (can't do this straightforwardly otherwise) [title text |

This is an inline image that is a link to something else. alt text

Math / LaTeX

Here is some math within a sentence: \(x = \lambda^3 - \frac{1}{2}\) rendered with latex using the render_math plugin.

Here is an align environment.

\begin{align} \beta = \alpha\\ \alpha = \gamma \end{align}

iPython Notebook

Here is an ipython notebook.

Here are just two cells from that ipython notebook. Note that the cells are chosen with slice notation. The indexing does not appear to reflect the order in which the cells were executed (good). Each cell - whether code or markdown - gets a number.


Here is a vimeo. Note that resizing does not appear to work..