Please complete the following registration form and return to Andi Sutherland by 14 SEPTEMBER 2001 by mail (Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501), by e-mail (, or by FAX (505) 982-0565. There is also a web version of this form, that includes automatic electronic mailing, available via _____________________________________________________ WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM (email version) Pattern Discovery Spring 2002 Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe, New Mexico Name: Ms. ___ Mr. ___ Dr. ___ Prof. ___ ______________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Telephone: (office)_______________ Fax #: ____________ Email address:________________________________________ Universal Resource Locator (URL):_____________________ Name you'd prefer on your nametag:____________________ PRESENTATION Talk Title: __________________________________________ Abstract: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Please send one or two relevant papers to Cosma Shalizi (Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501). URLs pointing to the online versions would be preferred. Special Computing or A/V needs? _______________________________________________________ HOUSING REQUEST: Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 800-825-9876, 505-982-1200 Arrival: Date ______________ Time in Santa Fe_________ Departure: Date ______________ Time from Santa Fe_______ Would you care to share a room with another workshop participant? Yes _____ No _____ With whom? ______________________ Any Dietary Restrictions? ________________________________________________________ In the event of an emergency during the meeting, please contact: ________________________________________________________