Project Talks for Physics of Computation
(Physics 256B, Spring 2021)
10-minute presentations + 5-minute discussion!
1 June: 12:10-1:30 PM, Zoom meeting online.
- Jacob Hastings: Sync'ing and Losing It
- Samuel Holton: ε-Machines for Model-based Reinforcement Learning
- Kevin Hudnall: Dynamics in Phylogenetic Space
- Daniel Kozar: Spatial Organization of Biological Soil Crusts in Drylands
- Yuchen Liu: Dynamics and Information in the 2D Ising model
3 June: 12:10-1:30 PM, Zoom meeting online.
- Jinghao Lyu: Quantum Computational Mechanics
- Alberto Safra: Applied Physics of Computation: Physics of Mind
- Komal Sah: Complexity of Multi-Boson Quantum Walks
- Arti Thakur: Trolling and Flaming Contagions
- Junna Wang: Chaos in Freshwater Ecosystems
Project not complete? That's expected. Focus your presentation on introducing
the subject area. We are a diverse group. So, teach us a bit about your field,
your interests, and your project. You'll have another week and a half to
finish up the project.
The preferred format, use as a guide, is described