Here's a quick developers guide: pgu.gui API =========== 1. Keep it pythonic (in terms of everything! the more pythonic the better, I suppose) 2. Keep it pygameic (in terms of events, surfaces) 3. Keep it Qt-ic (in terms of class names) 4. Keep it HTML-ic (in terms of class names / API / usability) Links ===== General ======= * Subscribe to the pgu-devel mailing list and talk about ideas and patches. * Don't break the API without talking on the mailing list. * Version is still less than 1.0 so some API breaks may still happen * Freely submit bug and documentation patches. Coding ====== - Standard python style - Put #NOTE: by things that need a note - Put #HACK: by things that are a nasty hack (might mention them in the BUGS.txt) - Put #FIXME: by things that need to be fixed (also mention them in the BUGS.txt)