0.10.6 - - fixed: python 2.5 compat issue - fixed: mouse wheel doesn't send CLICK events anymore. - fixed: reduced number of copy() operations (which was causing a bit of a memory leak) - fixed: made ScrollArea creation work for more pixel perfect kinds of cases... - fixed: added needed style info into style for dialog 0.10.5 - - added: support for style loading .ini files [link] color: red .. [link:hover] color: blue .. etc .. - changed: filedialog now uses the dialog class for most all of its parts. main style change is that filedialog.title.label => dialog.title.label and all other filedialog items are gone, except for filedialog.folder - changed: filedialog style requirements to be much simpler. in general it just uses dialog and default labels, etc now. - fixed: some excessive repaints going on due to use of chsize() before a paint(). now chsize() doesn't do anything until after the widget is painted at least once. - fixed: some code in VScroll, HScroll that was causing extra resizes within tables for no particularily good reason. - fixed: menu not working bugs - changed: menu so that the cls of a menu doesn't change, it just keeps the down pcls while down. - fixed: bug where get_abs_rect() was wrong due to theme stuff... kind of a HACK - added: shift-TAB for previous support - fixed: bug where TAB could cause a crash if no non-container widget was in focus at the time. - changed: added support for width,height scaling for Image widgets - changed: improved caching of style data so that complex screens repaint much quicker (removed .cache() method from style object) - changed: misc changes to add better keyboard / nav support to many widgets (selects, sliders, etc) - added: ability to move between widgets via arrow keys .. to stop this behaviour, make sure the widget that has focus returns True to say that it "already used the event" - changed: after an event() handler, user should return try if they used the event. otherwise a container may use the TABS, arrow keys, etc for navigation or other purposes. somewhat optional, will only impact widgets that use tabs/arrow keys ATM. - added: a Link widget - fixed: bug where pygame would crash if full screen was toggled - fixed: some style issue in the select widget - fixed: some rendering issues with sliders being off by a few pixels - fixed: some icon styling bugs due to incorrect init order.. but i'll still probably deprecate it anyways! ha! - fixed: backgrounds of widgets that are getting repainted, etc. - fixed: disabled backgrounds that didn't appear correctly 0.10.4 - - fixed: bug in dialog.py -- directories with '!' at beginning were being sorted after '..' thanks Jason Liu for this patch - fixed: bug in high.py - fixed: scrollbars scroller not the right size 0.10.3 - - added: gui16.py and gui17.py some new fun gui examples. - fixed: isovid doesn't work when using run_codes 'cause it gets width and height from the wrong thing! - change: PIL support removed from tileedit, the code is still in there if someone wants to troubleshoot it - fixed: in tileedit, line 109 should be assert mode in ("RGB", "RGBA"), not assert mode in "RGB", "RGBA" - fixed: when the scroll area is really short, etc, having 3 scroll arrows can take up too much room. so now it only shows as many magic scroll buttons as it can fit neatly. - fixed: using app.paint() with custom event loop skips chsize related stuff - fixed: install script error, where Vera.ttf was not installed - fixed: timer.py bug where the first frame is really long sometimes i think this is due to some kind of a pygame bug also, when FPS are set to 0, the timer is now set to go at "full rate" instead of give a div by zero error - fixed: ScrollArea / SlideBox.widget = x doesn't work. 0.10.2 - - fixed: gui11, when everything is removed scroll bar is removed too soon! - fixed: gui11, graphical crud shows up after removing stuff, sometimes - fixed: Select can drop below window sometimes, and it looks bad. now Selects that are at the bottom of the screen may go upwards. - added: ProgressBar widget & documentation. - fixed: if the widget in the scroll doesn't fill it up, doing any scrolling causes a crash - fixed: gui.Menus not working due to focus related fixes - added: widget.connect gets *values, not just value to pass on so that you can have multi-param methods. See widget.connect documentation for details. - added: widget.send can send the event and the widget to the reciever if the receiving fnc has the params named _widget or _event or _code. See widget.connect documentation. - fixed: disabled items in scrollarea don't get alpha-ized due to alpha image that is being drawn to. - fixed: scrollers don't scroll quite like normal scrollers do... - fixed: slider size can get too small - added: scrollbars added in arrows, so that they are scrollbars instead of just sliders. - fixed: sliders & scrollbars inconsistent, and don't look good - fixed: weird border in scrollarea, sometimes... - fixed: internal cleanup of ScrollBox, etc. the scollers will automatically appear when the sub-widget gets bigger, smaller, etc. - fixed: when you click on a disabled widget, the click can slip to a non-disabled widget - added: .disabled, .focusable attributes to widgets, see widget.widget documentation - fixed: .add, .remove for Container, Table, Document so they all work properly. gui14.py adjusted to demo accordingly - fixed: select to work, by adding an improper use of resize ;) - fixed: a number of improper uses of resize() - fixed: gui.Table to only resize() something a second time if it _really_ needs to - fixed: gui.Table to clear() out old rows properly - fixed: gui.Widget so that chsize() would work a lot faster (thus the gui13.py example is very nice and smooth now, doesn't feel like it is lagging anymore.) - fixed: ScrollBox a lot faster by using double buffering this will, however, require a lot of memory for large buffers but hopefully that won't be a problem, it makes examples/gui12.py blaze during scrolling, whereas before it was quite slow even on my 2x3 GHz machine. - fixed: "calling Button.event() before Button.paint() causes crash" - fixed: "container.remove makes a widget stop working but not disappear" - fixed: some docs about a bug whereby container.add(w) won't work after the app is running 0.10.1 - - fixed setup.py to work on my system when installing pgu 0.10 - - added in a Password widget -- submitted by Dr. L. Humbert - added in new documentation -- HTML only now. - added jhofmann's tiled preview widget to tileedit also included PIL support - removed gui/background.py -- merged contents into Theme. Made theme interface more cleanly seperated Widget.py jhofmann: added tiled preview widget to tileedit - zx64: in tilevid4,5 examples -- removed bold so that they work on more systems 2005-12-10 - 0.10-alpha-ludumdare-7-full-combat-version I've released this one just hours before LD #7 so that you (and I) can both benefit from some nice time saving features! All this stuff is alpha and subject to change before a real release! - fonts.py -- functions for loading bitmap based fonts (useful when TTF just doesn't cut it!) - algo.py -- functions for path finding (useful for guards, etc in games) - ani.py -- functions to help load animations into your vid objects (just plain useful) A new script: - levelfancy -- a script for taking a basic level and fancying it up -- try this in examples: ../scripts/levelfancy map.tga level.tga fancy.tga then view each of those tgas with leveledit to see what is going on... An old script: I removed tganew ages ago, but I'm putting it back. I like it. During this contest I will be available in #ludumdare and #pygame for questions related to using pgu. Have fun in the contest! If you find any bugs or anything I'll be glad to fix 'em and release a mid-contest version of pgu! 2005-12-01 - 0.9 I added INSTALL.txt with some install instructions, as well as instructions for distributing pgu with your game/application. **** Minor API Update **************************************************** Sorry about this, but I realized after releasing 0.8 that the new theme loading API wasn't very good... (And had some bugs to boot!) This update will be in comparison to 0.7, since I don't think many people downloaded 0.8 yet. For using the default theme, the API remains the same (do nothing special). For using an custom theme: It was: gui.theme.load("gray") It is: theme = gui.Theme("gray") app = gui.App(theme=theme) Also you can use your own fully custom theme (oooh!) theme = CustomTheme() app = gui.App(theme=theme) ************************************************************************** 2005-11-30 - 0.8 phil: fixed tileedit and leveledit to use new theme loading API phil: fixed tabbing bug where last item would not get tabbed to phil: fixed setup.py to install pgu.gui phil: fixed pgu.gui to import pygame.locals **** Minor API Update *************************************************** The API for loading a custom theme has been changed... It was: gui.theme.load("gray") It is: app = gui.App() app.theme.load("gray") Also you can use your own fully custom theme (oooh!) theme = MyTheme() app = gui.App(theme=theme) ************************************************************************* Cthulhu32: found bug in leveledit where file name isn't picked correctly 2005-11-18 - 0.7 **** Crazy API Update **************************************************** Theme decorations are now seperate from the Widgets. Thus: * Widget._resize() was removed * Widget.getspacing() was removed * Widget.resize() returns None was changed to Widget.resize() returns w,h. The container is responsible to do this: widget.rect.w,widget.rect.h = widget.resize() * Widget.chsize() was added, it requests that a widget be re-resize()ed -- similar to Widget.repaint() * To disable the theme decorations on a widget: widget = Widget(decorate=False) ************************************************************************** - phil - added chsize() method which requests that a widget be re-size()ed. (similar to repaint() or reupdate() except for the resize() method - added default font (Vera) - removed non-working hide,show calls - fdarling - added a new table class that works a bit cleaner. should not have any noticiable API breaks. - fdarling - reorganized pgu.gui to be a package - added input type='file' to pgu.html - fixed Toolbox bug (Toolbox.value = x wasn't working right) - create circles in tileedit - flip bkgr/tiles in leveledit - tileedit / leveledit - illume added a feature where by you can check a box to "auto-save" your tiles when you blur the window. leveledit will auto-reload those changes. - since the getwidths() feature was broken anyways, it has been removed - when you create your main container for your app you _may_ need to add align=-1, valign=-1 to get it in the top right corner the way it used to be - phil -- added Vera.ttf to theme, did some cleanup - gal koren -- added a FileDialog, List, misc patches, etc, added gui11, gui12 as demos of new features - fdarling -- fixed some UI issues in Menu - gal koren -- fixed a focus bug - exampes, gui9 - -save/saveas are broken -- fname is set to a widget 2005-10-21 - 0.6 - gal koren -- submitted an excellent ScrollArea widget to pgu.gui -- see it demoed in examples/gui6.py - added default size to HSlider, VSlider in the theme 2005-10-07 - 0.5 - fixed you can select a tile outside of the tile area by using the up arrow once .. - fdarling -- fixed some UI issues with menus and sliders and did some general code cleanup - fdarling -- use None instead of 0 for nulls throughout the code - added to leveledit/tileedit: "are you sure you want to quit" / "you still have files unsaved..." for before "quit" or "open" or "new"... - added open/new/saveas/save, etc to tileedit/leveledit - removed tganew. update docs to reflect removal of this artifact - fixed gui CLICK events so that they only occur when hovering over the widget - fixed gui hovering so that when a mouse button is down, the mouse won't hover over widgets that aren't in focus - fixed gui so that tabbing works a bit better - fixed gui so that QUIT event is only sent when no (modal) windows are being displayed. - added isovid, hexvid support to scripts/leveledit - added pgu.high - added pgu.isovid - added pgu.hexvid - added pgu.timer.Speedometer - fixed gui.Button so that width,height works - fixed html so that valign=middle (not center) works - added better css for labels throughout gui, see new config.txt - added shift+arrows to leveledit to move view by 1/8 screen - added ctrl+arrows to leveledit to move view by 1 screen - add scrollbars to leveledit - fixed tutorial docs in gui10 - fixed bug where sprite wouldn't work without an ishape 2005-08-27 - 0.4 - fixed leveleditor so it displays backgroud / grid 2005-08-23 - 0.3 Bug Fixes: - fixed do_br in html - fixed rendertrim in html (no longer modifies the passed in rect) - removed some debugging prints from html - engine no longer requires screen for Game.run() - ColorPicker in examples now works faster (doesn't repaint whole screen) - fixed most of the crashes related to widgets going outside of their parent surface (when a widget is placed partly (or totaly) out of the screen: crash!) - input should move to the left when you max it out (gui.Input.paint) - explain in tutorial/docs how to use tileedit and leveledit under windows - fix .txt files so that they work under windows notepad - fix tileedit, leveledit to work with new gui module - make pcls work correctly for tool, input, keysym - some not-so-standard-ascii characters make gui crash when inputted (gui.Input.event) - when you tab after the final widget (at least in ReciPy): crash! (gui.Container.next) - when you add something to a select (after it is already displayed): crash! (probably needs a resize) - tab to next widget doesn't always work - cleaned up the tiles.tga for the tilevid examples Misc Changes: - change container.resize to give out proper width/height depending on the widgets contained, or style.width/height if appropriate - refine the table auto-sizing algorithm a bit more - make document work with resizing sub widgets - h1,h2,h3 css in themes - ul,li,ol work API changes: - in Tables, use .td() instead of .add() except when you want to add an object as a "table cell" (it will be expanded to fill the cell) t.td(w,colspan=2) - widgets are not given a size in __init__, they are given a size by resize(), and their rect_margin, etc are created using _resize() - now you can set up margins, borders, padding, just like in CSS2 (more or less). You may also assign whole groups by omitting the _top/_right/_bottom/_left e = Widget(style={'border_left':2,'border_color':(255,0,0),'margin':4}) - backgrounds respond to .pcls - Box (background) widget removed and replaced with a CSS2 Box widget. The Box widget is used by Tables for tds. - Background widget created to replace old Box widget. - some style parameters like padding_* must now be passed via the style dict: e = Widget(style={'padding_left':4}) - change getsizes api to getwidths() - clean up table API -- colspan, rowspan, row, cols, etc. - make table sizing work such that: - table.style.width, height force that min/max size - suggested width/height only _offers_ it to be that big - td.cell_width/height force min/max size, unless the min is greater than that size, then it will have to be bigger 2005-08-02 - 1.0 - add default palette to tileedit code - add #s for default codes in leveledit - rewrite README.txt - add a leveledit / tileedit / tganew documentation page - rename tilecollide class -- merged into tilevid class - finish doc generation - make sure theme loading works in all cases ./$theme ../data/themes/$theme /usr/share/pgu/$theme - gui - make event, not _event work with tut10 - get rid of /docs/tiles-samples and use the space shooter stuff - write documentation - update tutorials to use my ## format - get text wrapping to work with paragraph breaks - antialias fonts - move /docs/examples to /examples 2005-07-?? - 1.0 - combined PGU, PGL and KJV into one package 2004-07-23 - "pgu" 1.1 - command line interface improved considerably - use .ini files for init