Jason Barnett A Markov Model fo Audio Signals (or: Information Calculations with Finite Strings) Nice intro. L = 1, 2 could also use longer inter-sample interval, tau Calculate MI(tau) for this as a function of that sample interval (Class should have addressed continuous-value and continuous-time signals and relate to discrete-time theory we talk about.) (How to optimize binning of continuous signals.) (How to crudely estimate number of samples. Nice study of entropy roll-off due at long word lengths. 2. Franz Bozsak The Lorenz System in 6D Nice intro and explanation of convective flow Navier-Stokes intro Lorenz's approximation Nice simulation of N-S eqns. 3. Shane Celis & Yun Tao Musings on the Logistic Map Relationship between entropy rate and Lyapunov exponent What happens when you take a fine partition, how does entropy rate limit on LCE? Nice review of population ecology interpretation of logistic map. Look at short sequences to capture transient behaviors. Transient uncertainty (L = 1, |partition| = 2, 4, 8) Ecological interpretation: trade-off between partition resolution and apparent entropy rate (transient entropy). 5. Ryan James 1+1 Entropies for Cellular Automata Interesting results on block entropies and asymmetries in the velocity of highest entropy rate. 6. Ben Johnson Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Nice historical review. Quantum comp review: ok. How are bits and qubits different: good. Reviewed Deutsch quantum algorithm. Mentioned extensions where classical is exp'l in n, quantum 1 call. Simon's problem. Probabilistic computation. Shor algorithm. Grover's search algorithm. Quadratic speed up to NP complete problems. Quantum information review. von Neumann entropy density matrices Negative condition quantum entropy 6. Paul Smaldino Does Learning Mean a Decrease in Entropy? Spatial Exploration Cognitive science, animal behavior motivation Learning as entropy decrease? RoMADS review Reinforcement learning review, and as applied to RoMADS, Monte Carlo RL Entropies of policies: states and action entropy Estimates as L = 1 for each new policy Interpretation: Nice interpretation of learning as an oscillation between learning (decrease), boredom and learning new things (entropy increase), learn again (decrease), ... 7. Ruggero Tacchi Interplanetary Transportation Networks Reviewed a dissertation on this. Nice explanations. Good understanding. Laptop crashed and lost his work. Kinds of orbits 8. Nick Travers Computational Mechanics of ECAs, and Machine Metrics V. good, short but just like the excellent group meeting talk. 9. Richard Watson What One Neuron Said to Another Neural network review Entropy of distribution of network activity configurations Shifted mutual information Tested on various architectures Cause and effect v. correlation (reflected by MI). Discussed transients. Conjectured about intermediate entropy values being interesting. Projects for Watson: o Conditional mutual information o eM reconstruction o Coherence o More detailed exploration of trajectory he's on. 10. Juliette Zerick The Armagedon Equations Disarmament WMD Series of discrete-time iterated equations for state, insurgency, economic, and other players Lots of terms. Form of the equations, unfamiliar to me. Looked a lot like population dynamical or replicator equations.