Module Scientific.TkWidgets.TkPlotCanvas

Class PolyLine: Multiple connected lines

Constructor: PolyLine(points, **|attr|)


any sequence of (x, y) number pairs


line attributes specified by keyword arguments:

Class VerticalLine: A vertical line

Constructor: VerticalLine(xpos, **|attr|)


the x coordinate of the line


line attributes specified by keyword arguments:

Class HorizontalLine: A horizontal line

Constructor: HorizontalLine(ypos, **|attr|)


the y coordinate of the line


line attributes specified by keyword arguments:

Class PolyMarker: Series of markers

Constructor: PolyPoints(points, **|attr|)


any sequence of (x, y) number pairs

attr marker attributes specified by keyword arguments:

Class PlotGraphics: Compound graphics object

Constructor: PlotGraphics(objects)


a list whose elements can be instances of the classes PolyLine, PolyMarker, and PlotGraphics.

Class PlotCanvas: Tk plot widget

Constructor: PlotCanvas(master, width, height, **|attributes|).

The arguments have the same meaning as for a standard Tk canvas. The default background color is white and the default font is Helvetica at 10 points.

PlotCanvas objects support all operations of Tk widgets.

There are two attributes in addition to the standard Tk attributes:


a logical variable that indicates whether interactive zooming (using the left mouse button) is enabled; the default is 0 (no zoom)


enables the user to select a range along the x axis by dragging the mouse (with the left button pressed) in the area under the x axis. If select is 0, no selection is possible. Otherwise the value of select must be a callable object that is called whenever the selection changes, with a single argument that can be None (no selection) or a tuple containing two x values.
