Module Scientific.IO.NetCDF

Class NetCDFFile: netCDF file

Constructor: NetCDFFile(filename, mode="r")


name of the netCDF file. By convention, netCDF files have the extension ".nc", but this is not enforced. The filename may contain a home directory indication starting with "~".


access mode. "r" means read-only; no data can be modified. "w" means write; a new file is created, an existing file with the same name is deleted. "a" means append (in analogy with serial files); an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. "r+" is similar to "a", but the file must already exist. An "s" can be appended to any of the modes listed above; it indicates that the file will be opened or created in "share" mode, which reduces buffering in order to permit simultaneous read access by other processes to a file that is being written.

A NetCDFFile object has two standard attributes: dimensions and variables. The values of both are dictionaries, mapping dimension names to their associated lengths and variable names to variables, respectively. Application programs should never modify these dictionaries.

All other attributes correspond to global attributes defined in the netCDF file. Global file attributes are created by assigning to an attribute of the NetCDFFile object.


Class NetCDFVariable: Variable in a netCDF file

NetCDFVariable objects are constructed by calling the method createVariable on the NetCDFFile object.

NetCDFVariable objects behave much like array objects defined in module Numeric, except that their data resides in a file. Data is read by indexing and written by assigning to an indexed subset; the entire array can be accessed by the index [:] or using the methods getValue and assignValue. NetCDFVariable objects also have attribute "shape" with the same meaning as for arrays, but the shape cannot be modified. There is another read-only attribute "dimensions", whose value is the tuple of dimension names.

All other attributes correspond to variable attributes defined in the netCDF file. Variable attributes are created by assigning to an attribute of the NetCDFVariable object.

Note: If a file open for reading is simultaneously written by another program, the size of the unlimited dimension may change. Every time the shape of a variable is requested, the current size will be obtained from the file. For reading and writing, the size obtained during the last shape request is used. This ensures consistency: foo[-1] means the same thing no matter how often it is evaluated, as long as the shape is not re-evaluated in between.
