Module Scientific.Geometry.Transformation

Class Transformation: Linear coordinate transformation.

Transformation objects represent linear coordinate transformations in a 3D space. They can be applied to vectors, returning another vector. If t is a transformation and v is a vector, t(v) returns the transformed vector.

Transformations support composition: if t1 and t2 are transformation objects, t1*t2 is another transformation object which corresponds to applying t1 after t2.

This class is an abstract base class. Instances can only be created of concrete subclasses, i.e. translations or rotations.


Class Translation: Translational transformation.

This is a subclass of Transformation.

Constructor: Translation(vector), where vector is the displacement vector.


Class Rotation: Rotational transformation.

This is a subclass of Transformation.



Class RotationTranslation: Combined translational and rotational transformation.

This is a subclass of Transformation.

Objects of this class are not created directly, but can be the result of a composition of rotations and translations.