Module Scientific.Geometry.TensorAnalysis

Class TensorField: Tensor field of arbitrary rank

A tensor field is described by a tensor at each point of a three-dimensional rectangular grid. The grid spacing may be non-uniform. Tensor fields are implemented as a subclass of InterpolatingFunction from the module Scientific.Functions.Interpolation and thus share all methods defined in that class.

Constructor: TensorField(rank, axes, values, default=None)


a non-negative integer indicating the tensor rank


a sequence of three one-dimensional arrays, each of which specifies one coordinate (x, y, z) of the grid points


an array of rank+3 dimensions. Its first three dimensions correspond to the x, y, z directions and must have lengths compatible with the axis arrays. The remaining dimensions must have length 3.


the value of the field for points outside the grid. A value of None means that an exception will be raised for an attempt to evaluate the field outside the grid. Any other value must a tensor of the correct rank.



Class ScalarField: Scalar field (tensor field of rank 0)

Constructor: ScalarField(axes, values, default=None)

A subclass of TensorField.


Class VectorField: Vector field (tensor field of rank 1)

Constructor: VectorField(axes, values, default=None)

A subclass of TensorField.
