Module Scientific.Functions.Interpolation

Class InterpolatingFunction: Function defined by values on a grid using interpolation

An interpolating function of n variables with m-dimensional values is defined by an (n+m)-dimensional array of values and n one-dimensional arrays that define the variables values corresponding to the grid points. The grid does not have to be equidistant.

Constructor: InterpolatingFunction(axes, values, default=None)


a sequence of one-dimensional arrays, one for each variable, specifying the values of the variables at the grid points


an array containing the function values on the grid


the value of the function outside the grid. A value of None means that the function is undefined outside the grid and that any attempt to evaluate it there yields an exception.

Evaluation: function(x1, x2, ...) yields the function value obtained by linear interpolation.

Indexing: all array indexing operations except for the NexAxis operator are supported.


Class NetCDFInterpolatingFunction: Function defined by values on a grid in a netCDF file

A subclass of InterpolatingFunction.

Constructor: NetCDFInterpolatingFunction(filename, axesnames, variablename, default=None)


the name of the netCDF file


the names of the netCDF variables that contain the axes information


the name of the netCDF variable that contains the data values


the value of the function outside the grid. A value of None means that the function is undefined outside the grid and that any attempt to evaluate it there yields an exception.

Evaluation: function(x1, x2, ...) yields the function value obtained by linear interpolation.