Alan Hastings


Invasion dynamics. Marine population dynamics. Marine reserves. Chaos in ecology. Food webs. Fitting models to ecological data. Metapopulations. The role of structure -- age, spatial, organizational, and genetic -- in the dynamics of ecological systems, in particular, models of interacting species.


About Alan


EMAIL  amhastings (at) ucdavis (dot) edu

OFFICE 3136 Wickson Hall

PHONE  530-752-8116


MAIL  Dept of Env’l Science & Policy, Univ. CA at Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616


  1. 1.Integrative, conservation, and theoretical ecology

  2. 2.Population biology

  3. 3.Mathematical biology

  4. 4.Ecosystems and Landscape Ecology


  1. 1.Department of Environmental Science and Policy: Professor

  2. 2.Center for Population Biology

  3. 3.Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics

  4. 4.Graduate Group in Ecology

  5. 5.Complexity Sciences Center: Faculty