Pattern Discovery Workshop Registration Form

Workshop Registration Form

Please register by 30 January 2002.

Use this electronic form, the email version, or the hardcopy mailed to you (FAX to Andi Sutherland at 505-982-0565).

The benefit of using the electronic form is that you simply fill in the entries, hit the SUBMIT button (below), and you're done. The form is automatically forwarded to SFI.

Pattern Discovery

Spring 2002
Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ms. Mr. Dr. Prof.

Office telephone:
FAX number:
Email address:
Universal Resource Locator (URL): http://
Name preferred on name tag:


Hotel Santa Fe
1501 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
800-825-9876, 505-982-1200

Arrival in Santa Fe:
Date: Time:

Departure from Santa Fe:
Date: Time:

Care to share a room with another workshop participant?
No Yes With whom?
Any dietary restrictions?
No Yes Please list:
In the event of an emergency during the meeting, please contact:


Cosma Shalizi