Pairwise Correlations in Layered Close-Packed Structures

Paul M. Riechers
Dowman P. Varn
James P. Crutchfield

Complexity Sciences Center
Physics Department
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616

ABSTRACT: Given a description of the stacking statistics of layered close-packed structures in the form of a hidden Markov model, we develop analytical expressions for the pairwise correlation functions between the layers. These may be calculated analytically as explicit functions of model parameters or the expressions may be used as a fast, accurate, and efficient way to obtain numerical values. We present several examples, finding agreement with previous work as well as deriving new relations.

Paul M. Riechers, Dowman P. Varn, and James P. Crutchfield, "Pairwise Correlations in Layered Close-Packed Structures", Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 71:4 (2015) 423-443.
[pdf] 5.0 MB
Santa Fe Institute Working Paper 14-08-026.
arXiv:1407.7159 [cond-mat].