Python and its scientific computing packages

Python & its scientific computing packages

Python is a relatively new language that has become popular and well supported by a rich set of high level scientific and visualization libraries. The combination of this and the fact that it is an interactive interpreted language means that one can relatively quickly develop useful applications.

This matches the character of scientific software development, especially when in the service of research: highly exploratory, with a need to minimize distractions when trying to articulate complex concepts. Tweaking code for performance and focusing on robust production code gain attention later in the scientific software development cycle.

Rapid development and exploration are why Python was chosen for the course, which is concerned with techniques for building research tools.

This year we will use Python version 2.6, though you will see mention of the most cutting-edge versions (2.7 and 3.0) around.

Tutorials and documentation are available at the Python site. The book Learning Python by Lutz and Ascher (Fourth Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2009) is a good place to get started and learn the language.

Here is the set of scientific computation support packages that we will use.

These are the packages you will need to have installed.

In past years, the class has used

So you might see code from past class projects or the occasional example which use these. Generally, though we are moving away from these packages, in favor of the above set.


This year I recommend the Enthought Python Distribution. It is free for academic and educational use and, in a single downloadable installer, it has all of the above packages, and much more.

Importantly, there are installers for Windows (XP, Vista, and 7), Macintosh OS X, and Linux (Ubuntu and RedHat).

Here are some comments on the installation for these platforms.