Solutions to Part D: Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Plotting exercises

  1. Exponential of a matrix

    # Calculate the exponential of a matrix.
    import numpy as N
    import numpy.linalg as LA
    # Calculate exponential of a matrix, using its eigensystem
    def matrixExponentialEigen(matrix):
        eigenvalues, eigenvectors = LA.eig(matrix)
        eigenvalues = N.exp(eigenvalues)
        L = eigenvalues * N.identity(eigenvalues.shape[0])
    # Calculate an exponential by Taylor expansion
    def matrixExponentialTaylor(matrix,order):
        sum = N.identity(matrix.shape[0])
        product = sum
        for i in range(1, order):
            product =, matrix)/i
            sum = sum + product
        return sum
    # The examples in the Homework:
    #     Uncomment the one you want.
    #A = N.array( [ [ 2., 1.] , [1., 1.] ] )
    #A = N.array([ [ 1., 0., 0.],[0.,2.,0.],[0.,0.,3.] ] )
    A = N.array( [ [ 1., 2., 3.] , [ 3., 2., 1.] , [4., 5., 6.] ] )
    # Compare the results
    print "A:"
    print A
    print "e^A: Eigen method"
    print matrixExponentialEigen(A)
    print "e^A: Taylor"
    print matrixExponentialTaylor(A,5)
    Functions of a matrix: A very slight modification let's you calculate any function of a matrix.

    As a sanity check, we also include a range of test cases and then, finally, tests for the identity relation: e^A * e^-A = I.

    # How to calculate arbitrary function of a matrix
    #     Note: This is a direct generalization of that allows
    #    one to pass in any function. Otherwise, it is the same.
    import numpy as N
    import numpy.linalg as LA
    # Calculate an arbitrary function of a matrix
    def matrixFunction(function, matrix):
        eigenvalues, eigenvectors = LA.eig(matrix)
        eigenvalues = function(eigenvalues)
        L = eigenvalues * N.identity(eigenvalues.shape[0])
    # Calculate an exponential by Taylor expansion
    def matrixExponential(matrix,order):
        sum = N.identity(matrix.shape[0])
        product = sum
        for i in range(1, order):
            product =, matrix)/i
            sum = sum + product
        return sum
    # Create a symmetric matrix.
    #A = N.reshape(N.arange(9.), (3, 3))**2/10.
    #A = (A + N.transpose(A))/2.
    # Some simple cases to test:
    #A = N.identity(2)
    #A = N.ones((2,2))
    #A = N.array( [ [ 1., 1e-10] , [1e-10, 1.] ] )
    #A = N.identity(3)
    #A = N.ones((3,3))
    # The examples in the Homework:
    #A = N.array( [ [ 2., 1.] , [1., 1.] ] )
    #A = N.array([ [ 1., 0., 0.],[0.,2.,0.],[0.,0.,3.] ] )
    A = N.array( [ [ 1., 2., 3.] , [ 3., 2., 1.] , [4., 5., 6.] ] )
    # Compare the results
    print "A:"
    print A
    print "e^A: Eigen method"
    print matrixFunction(N.exp, A)
    print "e^A: Taylor"
    print matrixExponential(A,5)
    # Check e^A x e^-A = I
    print "Inverse: Eigen method"
    eA = matrixFunction(N.exp, A)
    emA = matrixFunction(N.exp, -A)
    print "-A ="
    print -A
    print "e^-A ="
    print emA
    print "e^A x e^-A = I?"
    # Taylor
    print "Inverse: Taylor"
    print "e^-A ="
    eATay = matrixExponential(A,10)
    emATay = matrixExponential(-A,10)
    print emATay
    print "e^A x e^-A = I?"
  2. Logistic Map Spreading Distance Plots

    # Plot the Logistic map maximum separation time series
    #    computed by
    # The data was stored in MaxSep.txt
    import matrixio
    from numpy import *
    from pylab import *
    MaxSep = matrixio.readMatrix('MaxSep.txt')
    xlist = zeros(len(MaxSep))
    ylist = zeros(len(MaxSep))
    for i in xrange(len(MaxSep)):
        xlist[i] = MaxSep[i][0]
        ylist[i] = MaxSep[i][1]
    ylabel('Maximum Separation')
    title('Logistic map: Spreading of initially close states')
  3. Logistic Map Mean and Standard Deviation Plots

    # Plot the mean and standard deviation of an ensemble
    #    of states as it is iterated by the Logistic map at r = 4.0.
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import *
    def LogisticMap(x,r,nIts):
        for i in xrange(nIts):
            x = r * x * (1 - x)
        return x
    # Store our calculated results
    MaxIts = 50
    Time   = np.zeros(MaxIts)
    Mean   = np.zeros(MaxIts)
    StdDev = np.zeros(MaxIts)
    # Set up the ensemble of initial conditions (states), as requested
    nPts = 1000
    IC = 0.3
    Width = 1e-3
    Ensemble = np.random.normal(IC,Width,nPts)
    for i in xrange(MaxIts):
        for j in xrange(nPts):
            Ensemble[j] = LogisticMap(Ensemble[j],4.0,1)
        Time[i]   = i
        Mean[i]   = np.mean(Ensemble)
        StdDev[i] = np.std(Ensemble)
    plot(Time,Mean,'g-',label='Ensemble mean',linewidth=2)
    plot(Time,StdDev,'r-',label='Ensemble standard deviation',linewidth=2)
    ylabel('Mean and standard deviation')
    title('Logistic map: Mean and standard deviation of point cloud')
  4. Logistic Map Histogram

    # Plot the distribution (density, really) of a
    #    large number of Logistic map iterations.
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import *
    def LogisticMap(x,r,nIts):
        for i in xrange(nIts):
            x = r * x * (1 - x)
        return x
    nTransients = 100
    nIterations = 10000
    # Control parameter
    r = 4.0
    # Store the iterates
    Its = np.zeros(nIterations)
    x = 0.3
    # Iterate away transients
    x = LogisticMap(x,r,nTransients)
    # Collect iterates
    for i in xrange(nIterations):
        x = LogisticMap(x,r,1)
        Its[i] = x
    nBins = 20
    hg = np.histogram(Its,nBins,(0.0,1.0))
    # Turn the bin counts into probabilities
    Density = hg[0] / float(nIterations)
    # Make the bin boundary array and the count array the same length
    Density = np.insert(Density,0,Density[0])
    # Rescale vertical axis so that we can see some detail
    MaxProb = np.max(Density)
    title('Logistic map: Density over %d iterations' % (nIterations))
  5. Logistic Map Dot Spreading

    # Plot the distribution (density, really) of an ensemble
    #    of states iterated by the Logistic map at r = 4.0.
    import numpy as np
    from pylab import *
    def LogisticMap(x,r,nIts):
        for i in xrange(nIts):
            x = r * x * (1 - x)
        return x
    # The time to stop
    nIterations = 10
    # Control parameter
    r = 4.0
    # Set up the ensemble of initial conditions (states), as before
    nPts = 10000
    IC = 0.3
    Width = 1e-3
    Ensemble = np.random.normal(IC,Width,nPts)
    for j in xrange(nPts):
        Ensemble[j] = LogisticMap(Ensemble[j],r,nIterations)
    nBins = 30
    hg = np.histogram(Ensemble,nBins,(0.0,1.0))
    # Turn the bin counts into probabilities
    Density = hg[0] / float(nPts)
    # Make the bin boundary array and the count arrays the same length
    Density = np.insert(Density,0,Density[0])
    # Rescale vertical scale so that we can see some detail
    MaxProb = np.max(Density)
    title('Logistic map: Density (%d states) after %d iterations' % (nPts,nIterations))

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