Solution to Part C: Dictionaries, Arrays, Functions, and Modules exercises

  1. Simulation engine

    First the module, contained in a file called
    # Python function(s) for iterating one-dimensional # maps
    # Our fledgling simulation engine for one-dimensional maps
    # Below we use xrange(), rather than range(), since the latter returns a
    #	list and so uses up storage. xrange() only returns a single number.
    # The function that does the calculation
    def IterateMap(x,r,nIts):
        for i in xrange(nIts):
            x = r * x * (1.0 - x)
        return x
  2. Generating data

    You can simply do this by hand with the program you wrote for Part B. Better though, let's add the function above to add some flexibility for future uses.
    # Generate 10 data files of Logistic Map iterates
    # Get our iteration function from the module
    from SimEngine import *
    OutputFileBasename = "data"
    nIterations = 50
    r = 4.0
    x0 = 0.3
    delta = 0.00005
    for filenumber in xrange(10):
        file = open(OutputFileBasename + str(filenumber+1), 'w')
        x = x0
        for i in xrange(nIterations):
            x = IterateMap(x,r,1)
            line = str(i) + ' ' + str(x) + '\n'
        x0 = x0 + delta
  3. Reading and writing matrices

    # A module for reading and writing matrices
    import string
    import numpy
    # Read data in from a text file formatted as a matrix of numbers.
    #    Return data in a numpy array.
    def readMatrix(filename):
        rows = []
        for line in file(filename):
            columns = []
            for number in string.split(line):
        return numpy.array(rows)
    # Write out a numpy array to a text file.
    def writeMatrix(a, filename):
        f = file(filename, 'w')
        for row in a:
            for number in row:
                f.write(str(number) + ' ')

    In the first function, the function float() is applied to all elements of a list. This is such a frequent operation that a special shorthand has been introduced: the function map(function, sequence) applies a function to each element of a sequence and returns a list of the results. This makes it possible to replace the lines

            columns = []
            for number in string.split(line):
    by the single line
            columns = map(float, string.split(line))
    Now, here's the program that uses this module.
    # Read in a matrix of data and write it out
    from MatrixIO import *
    InputFilename = 'data7'
    OutputFilename = InputFilename + '.out'
    m = readMatrix(InputFilename)
  4. Data processing

    Half of the lines below are comments.
    # Calculate the time-step by time-step size (maximum
    #	distance between all pairs of points) of a set of Logistic map iterates.
    #	Plot the size as a function of iteration number.
    import MatrixIO
    import numpy
    # We read data from the files, storing in memory
    InputFileBasename = "data"
    nFiles = 10
    # We first read the data into a list of 2d numpy arrays
    a = []
    for i in xrange(nFiles):
        filename = InputFileBasename + str(i+1)
        nIterates = a[i].shape[0]
        print "File " + filename + " had " + str(nIterates) + " iterates"
    print "Read in " + str(nFiles) + " files, each with " + str(nIterates) + " iterates"
    # Now, we analyze the pairwise distance at each time step, storing the
    #	distance in the MaxSep array.
    MaxSep = numpy.zeros(nIterates)
    # Let's simplify our calculations by putting the data into a simpler structure:
    #   An array with nIterates rows and nFiles data points in each row.
    b = numpy.zeros((nIterates,nFiles),float)
    for i in xrange(nIterates):
        for j in xrange(nFiles):
            b[i][j] = a[j][i][1]
    # So, now MaxSep at each iteration is simply the largest pairwise
    #	distance for the points in each row of b. But these are points
    #	in one dimension: The largest pairwise distance is just the largest
    #	value minus the smallest value.
    for i in xrange(nIterates):
        MaxSep[i] = numpy.max(b[i]) - numpy.min(b[i])
    f = open("MaxSep.txt","w")
    for i in xrange(nIterates):
        f.write(str(i) + " " + str(MaxSep[i]) + '\n')

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