Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback

James P. Crutchfield
Center for Nonlinear Studies
Los Alamos National Laboratories
Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA

ABSTRACT: Video feedback provides a readily available experimental system to study complex spatial and temporal dynamics. This article outlines the use and modeling of video feedback systems. It includes a discussion of video physics and proposed two models fro video feedback based on a discrete-time iterated functional equation and on a reaction-diffusion partial differential equation. Color photographs illustrate results from actual video experiments. Digital computer simulations of the models reproduce the basic spatio-temporal dynamics found in the experiments.

James P. Crutchfield. "Space-Time Dynamics in Video Feedback." Physica 10D 1984: 229-245. [pdf] [Plates 1-4] [Plates 5-7]