David Warland
David Warland
I am interested in “how we see”. At the level of the retina, I am interested in how the visual world gets represented as patterns of spikes traveling down the optic nerve. At higher levels, I am interested in how the brain computes biologically relevant properties of the visual world like the motion and pose of objects with these spikes.
I concentrate my work at the interface between biology and physics, theory, and experiment, and I draw strongly on the tools of information theory and signal processing.
I am also interested in the application of this knowledge to practical problems including building biologically-inspired algorithms and devices for machine vision.
About David
EMAIL dkwarland (at) ucdavis (dot) edu
OFFICE 1115 Life Sciences Building
PHONE 530-754-6670
MAIL Section of NPB, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8519
1.Neural Coding
2.Machine Vision
3.Structure of Natural Images
4.Sparse Representations
5.Optical Data Storage
1.Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior: Assistant Research Professor
2.Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience: Researcher
3.Complexity Sciences Center: Faculty